Five World War Wikia


Smoker is a Vice Admiral of the Marines and a longtime enemy of Monkey D. Luffy's. He was the commanding officer of the army that reached Lake Willow until they were driven back by the 5th Division. He is one of the main antagonists of the Red Willow Arc.


Most of the time Smoker comes off as a bit of thug with infamous reputation among his organization for his loose cannon tendencies and obstinate, rebellious attitude towards even his superiors. He disagrees with how the higher ups in the organization run it usually due to disagreeing with their methods of upholding peace and justice by covering up the truth or not crediting those who deserve it. Despite this he does want go further up the ranks if only to gain more power and authority in the organization.

Unlike majority of the Marines he does not follow the Doctrine of Absolute Justice instead following his own personal code of justice instead, which he later preaches to his subordinate Tashigi. This perception of justice allows Smoker to be flexible regarding who he can view as an ally or not, depending on the circumstances and what he witnesses during them. The Straw Hat Pirates are perhaps the biggest example of this, as whenever they meet, the Marine and the pirates often have a greater enemy in common, so Smoker lets them run free or even outright joins forces with them for the sake of saving innocents. However, as a Marine, Smoker frequently warns the Straw Hats that he will arrest them at any other time, in accordance to his duty.

Smoker part one

Smoker before the time skip

History (One Piece Manga)[]

Not much is known about Smoker's past what is known is that he was born in the Grand Line. As a child he witnessed the execution of Gol. D Roger in Logue Town. He personally witnessed Roger smiling right before his demise, and still remembers it to this day.

He joined the the Marines at the same time as Hina who became friends with. During their training Hina had to help Smoker before in situations where he was almost expelled from the Marines.

Some time afterwards he manged to get the rank of Marine Captain before his encounter with the Straw Hat Pirates and was placed in charge of the protection of Logue Town.

Five Worlds War: Fairy Tail Campaign[]





Like most his superiors Smoker has little respect for Konton and is only following his orders due to the chain of command. He is willing to speak his mind to him such as after the battle Lake Willow where spoke up agianst Yugito Nii being made to transform into her Two-Tailed state as this put his men in the cross fire. However this ended up with him being hurt by the latter's Art something which shocked him. Afterwards he gained slight fear for the Lord Of Chaos. As after trying to resign from the Coalition after the Battle of Nirvana and latter telling him he would kill civilians as payment for his defection he took back his previous request of resignation.

Power and Abilities[]

Devil Fruit[]

Smoke Smoke Fruit

Plume Plume Fruit

Plume Plume

Smoke Man

Plume-Plume Fruit:This Fruit allows the user to turn and turn their body into smoke. Like most other Logia fruits, when Smoker is hit, he can simply use the fruit's power to become smoke, thus absorbing the attack and remaining unharmed. Like some of the other Logia type Devil Fruits, this one allows its user to "fly", by turning his body or the lower part of it into smoke, greatly enhancing his movement and speed.

The fruit appears to have a couple weaknesses one is fire, as they will cancel out one another; other than that, no specific natural weakness has yet to be seen. With his current mastery over his powers, the only reliable way to injure Smoker is through the use of Haki, as Hancock did during their short battle, or through the standard Devil Fruit weaknesses.

  • White Out (ホワイト・アウト Howaito Auto?): Smoker shoots clouds of normal smoke from his arms and uses them to engulf his opponent, then makes the smoke dense to trap them inside. This attack can be used to ensnare many people at the same time while his troops prepare to arrest Smoker’s captives. This attack was first used against the Buggy Pirates
  • White Blow (ホワイト・ブロー Howaito Burō?): Smoker shoots a cloud of dense smoke from his arms to blast his opponent hard. After striking, he can then trap his opponent as with the White Out attack. He has another variation of this attack where he turns only one arm (except his fist) into smoke and launches the fist at his opponent as a long-range punch. For the first time he used this attack in Loguetown as Sanji wanted to come to the aid his captain, who had been held by Smoker with his vicious force. Sanji was directly hit in the upper body and thrashed against a pillar.
  • White Snake (ホワイトスネーク Howaito Sunēku?): Smoker launches a long "snake" of dense smoke from his hand that he makes follow the opponent until it hits and grabs them. This is sometimes followed by him thrashing his foe around. In this way, he follows Monkey D. Luffy over several rooftops until his prey managed to escape him.
  • White Spark (ホワイト・スパーク Howaito Supāku?): Smoker transforms his whole body into a cloud of dense smoke and charges at the opponent. After Smoker blocked Ace’s Kagero his White Blow, Smoker uses this attack.
  • White Vine (白蔓 (ホワイト・バイン) Howaito Bain?): Smoker transforms into a spiraling column of smoke to trap his enemies or to grab an airborne target. With this technique Smoker tries to catch Luffy, but he blows the smoke away with a Gomu Gomu no Fusen of himself and escapes.
  • White Launcher (ホワイトランチャー Howaito Ranchā?)

    Smoker using: White Launcher

    : Smoker transforms himself into smoke and launches himself at his opponent, then re-solidifies and pins his opponent down with the Nanashaku Jitte. It was first used against Luffy in Marineford.
  • White Spear:
  • White Fist:
  • White Cannon:
  • White Storm:
  • White Wall:
  • Black and White Storm:


  • Smoker's Japanese VA is Mahito Ohba
  • Smoker's English VA is Greg Dulcie who also voices Org, Mejeer and Archbishop in Fairy Tail and Chimera in My Hero Academia.
  • Smoker shares the same birthday with Alvida and Ryukken Ishida.